About Us
After baking sourdough bread together for years, Urban Peasants Co-Owner Beth discovered she had to start a gluten-free diet to overcome significant health issues so along with co-owner Flavio we simply stopped baking. After five years of eating no bread or mediocre commercial gf bread, Flavio set out to create a sourdough bread that everyone could eat. With fresh-milled lesser-known gluten-free grains like teff, buckwheat, and sorghum--fresh-milled and organic whenever possible--the result is great sourdough bread and pizza. Period.
Because we believe everyone should enjoy the best-tasting bread possible.
Besides baking Sourdough Gluten Free bread, Flavio the Baker brews beer with all GF grains, roasts coffee, bakes outdoor pizzas and cooks up paellas. He speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian and understands French.